Farmers Exchange Tile Grain Elevator

Location Class:
Built: 1939 | Abandoned: N/A
Historic Designation: National Register of Historic Places (1983)
Status: Endangered
Contributor: Preservation Oklahoma
Year(s) Listed:

The Farmers’ Exchange Tile Grain Elevator is the oldest of a group of buildings that dominate the skyline at the west end of Goltry in Alfalfa County. Originally built by local farmers, the building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983 as part of a thematic listing of Tile Grain elevators of Oklahoma. Although it played an important role in the agricultural history of the community and state, it is also architecturally significant as an unusual mix of design and materials in landmark agricultural buildings. As with many historic resources, a deteriorating roof is the most immediate threat to the building’s future. The owners, while aware of its historic value, have no practical use for the building and no
plans for improvine the failing roof.

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