Ribbon Road Route 66

Location Class:
Built: 1922 | Abandoned: 1937
Status: Endangered
Contributor: Preservation Oklahoma
Year(s) Listed:

BETWEEN AFTON AND MIAMI – It began in the early 1920s with a vision of
a paved highway that would connect Chicago to Los Angeles. By the time it was completed, Route 66 would cover over 2400 miles. It was the road of dreamers and ramblers, drifters and writers. It was the highway of commerce: hotels, truck stops, and neon signs. Only small portions of the original road remain. This original section of Route 66 between Afton and Miami served as the main artery of US 66 until it was bypassed by a wider, more modern roadbed in 1937. This three-mile section of original Route 66 is threatened due to poor maintenance and improper paving.

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