Wheelock Mission Church

Location Class:
Built: 1846 | Abandoned: N/A
Historic Designation: National Register of Historic Places (November 9, 1972)
Status: Endangered
Contributor: Preservation Oklahoma
Year(s) Listed:

The Wheelock Mission Church is one of the oldest churches in Oklahoma and the oldest standing building in McCurtain County. Built in 1846, the church served as the home of the Wheelock congregation. The congregation was established by Reverend Alfred Wright in 1832 upon his arrival in Indian Territory with members of the Choctaw Tribe following their removal on the Trail of Tears. The church was part of the Wheelock Mission. The church’s interior and roof were destroyed by fire in 1866 and the building was abandoned. At present, the church hosts no congregation and is maintained by the Wheelock Cemetery Association. Today, it faces threats of vandalism and challenges with upkeep due to limited funding. (Photo by Wheelock Rock Church Facebook)

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