Built in 1937 during the height of the cinematic era, the Ranger Theater was one of five theaters in Alva, and was owned and operated by Jones Amusement Company (the company credited with bringing some of the first “talkies” to Oklahoma). Though it was closed in the 1950s, it still retains much of its original charm, including ticket booth, intricate tile work, woodwork, paint, and a top floor apartment with furnishings intact. It has recently been purchased by a local couple, who hope to revive the once elegant theater into a vibrant performance space.
(Photo by Lauren Durbin)
Ranger Theater
City/Town: • Alva |
Location Class: • Theater |
Built: 1906 | Abandoned: N/A |
Status: • Abandoned • Endangered |
Contributor: Preservation Oklahoma |
Year(s) Listed: • 2010 |